Surviving Strangehollow is a 5E setting and supplement that funded on Kickstarter in 2024. Numerous A-list fantasy authors and designers have come together to bring the beautiful and intricate watercolors of Emily Hare to life as an immersive addition to 5E. The campaign will feature a high-quality print book, pdf, custom dice, and several other art-centric pieces. For fans of Emily's work, there will also be several never-before-seen pieces of art added to the Strangehollow universe!
What's in the Book?
Meet the Design Team

Shawn also regularly worked on 5e projects for Kobold Press, Alligator Alley Entertainment, and other publishers in the D&D arena. In 2021, he became Executive Lead Designer for Ghostfire Gaming and oversaw the design on Grim Hollow: The Player's Guide, Grim Hollow: The Monster Grimoire, and Arora: Age of Desolation. He is a co-host on the Eldritch Lorecast podcast and stream.
Outside of D&D, Shawn also contributed to projects as diverse as Star Trek Adventures and the Dracula Dossier. He also designs and edits projects for Encoded Designs, which include such products for many different game systems. Shawn has written game-design articles for D&D Beyond, and he hosts a weekly podcast called Mastering Dungeons. He has an MFA in Creative Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts and has taught creative writing at the undergraduate and post-graduate level. He also teaches a course on Writing for RPGs at Fredonia State University.

Ed also created or co-created Stormtalons, Mornmist, and dozens of other settings, and worked in Amber, Oz, and Middle Earth. He has scripted comic books for three companies and is likely the only Canadian to have appeared as himself in the panels of comic books from three other publishers. Ed has been elected to the Academy of Adventure Gaming Art & Design Hall of Fame and the Canadian Fantasy and Science Fiction Hall of Fame and won multiple ENnie, Origins, and other awards. He has a Patreon, a YouTube channel, and “Greenwood’s Grotto” on Discord.

On the gaming and interactive side of things, I build worlds, develop lore, and write adventures for tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) across systems. My recent credits include contributions to the Nebula Award finalist Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel (D&D), including an adventure and a new location created as an homage/love letter to the Black experience in the US South, Pathfinder: Lost Omens Travel Guide, which takes readers on an in-depth exploration of the world of Golarion through the eyes of in-world NPCs, and Hunter: The Reckoning, which places players in a world full of supernatural threats that they have only recently become aware of and decided to fight back against. I’ve also been part of the script writing team for several seasons of the long-form audio narrative exergame Zombies, Run!, and created/coded two interactive fiction pieces.

Outside of his gaming life, Jason is a serial entrepreneur in the creative and technology industries. He is presently the CEO of Boundless (buildboundless.com) and is a founder of Boardable (boardable.com). He has three children who often tolerate his presence, and a wonderful wife who has been tolerating him even longer!

James has also worked as the lead writer for D&D Beyond, creating hundreds of one-shot encounters, New Player Guides, and guides to squeezing every last bit of roleplaying potential out of monsters from mind flayers to devils. Now, they continue designing games independently using the fifth edition system and others, while also creating video essays about tabletop game design on their YouTube channel: @jamesjhaeck.

counselor that also enjoys opportunities to create in the TTRPG space. In his 10-years
of experience he has lent his imagination to creating “memorable gaming experiences”
for publishers such as D&D Adventurers League, Ghostfire Gaming, MCDM and
Renegade Game Studios. His most recent work can be found in the upcoming Grim
Hollow: Transformed RPG. He enjoys co-leading the creative visions of both
GameHoleCon’s The Border Kingdoms and Baldman’s Game’s, Dragonlance: Vault of
the Undying. Under his moniker of The Valiant DM on social media platforms, he
mentors RPG creatives, promotes good game stewardship and strives to improve his
craft. One day, he hopes to present Surviving Strangehollow to his great nieces and
nephews as their first exposure to RPGs. His love for RPGs is only surpassed by an
undying need to consume all the red-velvet cake in the world.
What is Strangehollow?
Strangehollow is a vast and ancient wilderness. It encompasses dense forests, dreary marshes, craggy hills and mountains, and hundreds of miles of coastline. The wilderness is inhabited by numerous magical creatures, many of which are unique to Strangehollow. Some may be familiar to explorers, adventurers, and tale-tellers, at least in name, but even those tropes are likely to have their own surprises.
Veteran explorers and minstrels tell stories of the cursed monsters that thrive in forests and swamps of the hollow. Many such creatures are wily and clever, using the inherent dangers of Strangehollow to their advantage. Some are truly mighty, capable of felling any mortal who offends them with but a flick of their talons or tails. Some creatures are so malicious that they take the time to toy with humanoid prey before devouring it. Anyone who lives within a hundred miles of the vast wilderness knows someone who knows someone who went missing in Strangehollow. And while most of the stories of man-eating creatures are merely fiction, the handful that are true are enough to keep the wise and the meek away.
The land is wholly untamed, and outsiders visit rarely and at immense risk to their lives. Most travelers brave enough to venture into the hollow make it only a few days before retreating or disappearing. Those who tell of going deeper are either truly legendary or exemplary liars. There are tales of powerful mage-folk or shamans who call Strangehollow’s depths home, but these are certainly exceptions if they exist at all.
Travelers in the hollow are as likely to run afoul of physical and environmental hazards as they are to be mauled or eaten. The landscape seems to twist and shift in ways that make wayfinding nearly impossible. Flora grows rapidly, empowered by the strange magic of the place. Rivers and canyons make certain routes impassable, while bogs and swamps threaten the weak with poisons and diseases. Perhaps the most menacing natural defense of Strangehollow is the mists. These banks of dense fog move willy-nilly through the landscape, enveloping the unwary. Such mists have been known to peel flesh from bones, rot wood and metal, or cause hallucinations, among other things.
Needless to say, such a place is a magnet for the brave and the foolish. Strangehollow has many rare and unique resources in abundance, from the skins of strange creatures to the extracts of rare plants. The wood of certain trees is prized by artisans, as are the fruits and flowers that don’t grow anywhere else. Often, would-be heroes defy reason and chase after loved ones who have been lost in Strangehollow, or at the behest of others who have lost kin to it. On rare occasions, the adventurous travel into Strangehollow because they are called to do so. Something in this wilderness summons them to claim power or wealth, or something less tangible.

Explore Strangehollow
Get the Art that Started it All!
Strangehollow began as a book focused on the mystical creatures and monsters that inhabit an enchanted forest. It has expanded over the years to include more than 100 creatures and pieces of artwork in three books.
You can purchase copies of Strangehollow, Secrets of Strangehollow, and Seas of Strangehollow at Emily Hare’s website.